Monday, April 12, 2010

Starting with oDESK

A great chance has been explored by the company .
It will offer you a chance to make money from home. It's really a freelance company. You will work and get paid through this company. At first, you have to sign up with oDESK. Then you will have to compete in some eligibility test. You have to pass the oDESK readiness test. Here, you will find the answers of some eligibility tests. A great chance is waiting for you. So,don't late. Start with oDESK

Microsoft Excel 2000

Q:You start Microsoft Excel and you do not want it to automatically run a macro upon starting. What will you do?

Ans:Hold down the CTRL key during startup

Q:How does the AutoComplete feature in Excel help you save time?

Ans:It automatically completes abbreviated words

Q:The figure shows a view of the Standard Toolbar. What function is performed by the button marked by the letter 'Z'?

Ans:It copies the formatting properties from one cell to another

Q:The figure shows the AutoFit Selection menu option. What function does it perform?

Ans:It automatically resizes the column height and width to the minimum necessary to fit the contents of the selected cell

Q:The figure shows a view of the Standard Toolbar. What function is performed by the button marked by the letter 'A'?

Ans:It is used to add a hyperlink

Q:Which of the following options would be used if you need to insert a 77889867810070809 number in a cell?

Ans:Apply the Text Format to empty cells, and then type the numbers

Q:What is the quickest way to select all the columns on a worksheet?

Ans:Click on the gray rectangle on the upper left corner of the worksheet where the column headings and row headings meet

Q:Suppose the value in cell A1 is John and B1 is Smith then which of the following function you will use to get the John_Smith in C1 cell?


Q:How can you select all the blank cells in your worksheet?

Ans:This must be done manually as it is not automated through any built-in feature

Q:The figure shows an Excel worksheet. If you want to freeze the row showing the months (row 1) and the column showing the products (column A), what should you do?

Ans:Select the cell A1 and click on Freeze Panes under the menu Window->Freeze Panes

Q:Which of the following functions would return a value of 8?

Ans:b and c

Q:You select the row headings 10, 11 and 12 and then choose the menu option Insert->Rows. What will happen?

Ans:3 new rows will be inserted after row 9

Q:The figure shows a view of the Drawing Toolbar. What function is performed by the button marked by the letter 'X' ?

Ans:It inserts a Diagram or Organization Chart in the worksheet

Q:When using Document Workspaces, you cannot work directly on the Document Workspace copy, but you can work on your own copy which you can update periodically with changes that have been saved to the copy on the Document Workspace site.


Q:You have created a worksheet which consists of confidential data. You want that these values, although present in the worksheet, should remain hidden and as a result the cells containing this data should appear blank in the worksheet. Which method will help you do this?

Ans:Select the cells, open the Window menu and click on Hide

Q:Which of the following Date and Time function you will use to return the serial number of the last day of the month before or after a specified number of months?


Q:The figure shows a view of the Standard Toolbar. What function is performed by the button marked by the letter 'Y'?

Ans:It adds up the values in the selected cells

Q:Which of the following errors appears when an invalid argument is passed while converting a number from one number system to another system?


Q:Which of the following function you will use to find the highest number in a series of numbers?


Q:You have entered 4/6 as data in a cell without applying any formats to it. By default, Excel will treat this data entry as a:


Q:What will be the output of the function IF(ISNA(MODE(B1:B4)),0,MODE(B1:B4)) when it is applied to the data series given below?


Q:AutoFilter drop-downs are automatically added in the header row of a list when the list is created.


Q:What does the NOW() function returns?

Ans:Returns the serial number of the current date and time

Q:Which toolbar is shown in the figure?

Ans:Forms toolbar

Q:When you clear the contents from a cell, the formatting of the cell is also lost.


Q:You define a print area in your worksheet, but later you select a smaller range of cells to print and then click Selection under the menu File->Print->Selection. What will happen?


Sunday, April 11, 2010


What is true regarding this code?

a. setcookie will return false
b. setcookie will return true
c. setcookie will return null
d. Any of the above can happen

Answer: b

Which of the following is not a correct way of printing text in php5?

a. echo "Plain text";
d. <# echo "Plain text" #>
Answer a;

Which of the following is not the correct way of starting a session?

a. session.auto_start
b. session_register()
c. session_initiate()
d. session_start()
Answer: c;

Which of the following functions do you need to implement HTTP Basic Authentication?

a. authenticate ()
b. header ()
c. basic_auth ()
d. None of the above
Answer: d;

Which of the following Command Line Interface constant is not defined in the CLI SAPI?


Answer: c;

Which of the following statements is correct with regard to final and abstract?

a. An abstract class cannot have final methods
b. An abstract class cannot have non abstract methods
c. A final class cannot have abstract methods
d. A final class cannot have final methods


Which composite data types are supported by php?

a. Array
b. Enumeration
c. List
d. Object
e. Integer

Answer: a

The default value of register_globals in PHP is:

a. Off
b. On

Answer a

Which of the following is not a valid PHP connection status?

a. aborted
b. normal
c. open
d. timeout

Answer; c

Choose the correct statement:

a. include() includes and evaluates a specific file
b. require() includes and evaluates a specific file
c. include_once() includes and evaluates a specific file only if it has not been included before
d. require_once() includes and evaluates a specific file only if it has not been included before
e. All of the above

Answer e

If the session_cache_expire() is not set, then by default the session cache will expire after:

a. 1 hr
b. 2 hrs
c. 3 hrs
d. 4 hrs

Answer: 3

What will be the output of the following script?

function Argument()
echo $count;

a. It will print 50
b. It will print 51
c. It will print 52
d. It will print 1

Answer 1;

State whether True or False

Paamayim Nekudotayim operator allows access only to the static members of a class?

a. True
b. False

Answer a

Which of the following statements is true with regard to comparisons in PHP5?

a. With "= =" operator, two object instances are equal if they have the same attributes and values, and are instances of a different class.
b. With "==" operator two object instances are equal if they have the same attributes and values, and are instances of the same class.
c. With (===) operator, object variables are identical if and only if they refer to the same instance of the same class.
d. With (===) operator, object variables are identical if and only if they refer to the different instance of the same class.

Answer c;

You have to upload a file using form post method:

2 Send this file:

What should be the code in line 3, if the file name to upload is "SalesFile"?


Answer a;

Which of the following built-in function assist in checking if actually the function exists or not?

a. exists
b. function_exists
c. fexists
d. isFunction
Answer b;

What will be the output of the following code?

$a = 0.0;

for ($i = 0; $i < a ="="">

a. 0.9
Not Equals
b. 1
c. 1
Not Equals
d. 1.1
Not Equals
e. None of the above

Answer: c

What will be the output of the following code?

echo $i . " " . $j . " " . $k . " ";

a. 5 31 6
b. 5 31 6.2
c. 5 31 7
d. 4 31 7.5
e. 5 31 7.5

Answer e;

Which of the following is a not a correct way of commenting in php?

a. //PHP Comment
b. /*PHP Comment*/
c. #PHP Comment
d. /#PHP Comment
Answer d;

Following is a php code block:

$z=$n++/$m++ + --$z;
echo $z;

what will be the output?

a. 16
b. 18
c. 19
d. 20
e. 17
Answer 18;

Which of the following is the correct way of specifying default value?

a. function GetDiscount($Type = "Special") { . . . }
b. function GetDiscount(Type := "Special") { . . . }
c. function GetDiscount($Type := "Special") { . . . }
d. function GetDiscount($Type : "Special") { . . . }

Answre a;

With reference to the following php script:

print 'Text Line1'
print 'Text Line2'

What will be the output on running the script?

a. Text Line1Text Line2
b. Text Line1 Text Line2
c. 'Text Line1'
d. 'Text Line2'
e. Error message will be printed
Answer e;

What will be the ouput of the following code?

for ($i = 0; $i < i ="="">

a. 0
b. 0
c. 2
d. 0
e. None of the above

Answer b;

Late PHP versions support remote file accessing for the functions:

a. include()
b. include_once()
c. require_once()
d. Both a and b
e. Both b and c

Answer: e;

You have designed a user login form as follows:

Top of Form

User Name:


Bottom of Form

How can you access the username entered by the user in the 'Validate.php' webpage?

a. $var= $_POST['username'];
b. $var= $_REQUEST['username'];
c. import_request_variables('p', 'p_');
$var= $p_username;
d. All of the above

Answer: d

Which of the following does not represent logical AND operator in PHP?

a. &
b. &&
c. And
d. AND

Answer: a

Which of the following is not true for a persistent connection?

a. These are not closed even after the execution of the script
b. These are mainly used to increase the efficiency of the system
c. These can't be converted to non-persistent connections
d. These are preferably not used in the scripts involving transactions
Answer c;

Which of the following are invalid data types in PHP?

a. string
b. integer
c. float
d. char
e. array
f. object
Answer d

The Manager and Office classes are as follows:

class Manager{
function printName() {
echo "Manager";
class Office{
function getManager() {
return new Manager();

$ofc = new Office();


Which of the following should replace '???' to obtain the value of printName() function?

a. $ofc->getManager()->printName();
b. new Office()->getManager()->printName();
c. $ofc->getManager->printName;
d. Office::getManager()::printName();
Answer a

The classes are defined as follows:
abstract class BaseCls{
protected abstract function getName();

class ChildCls extends BaseCls{


Which of the following implementations of getName() is invalid in ChildCls?

a. protected function getName(){}
b. function getName(){}
c. private function getName(){}
d. public function getName(){}

Answer d;

Which of the following variable declarations within a class is invalid in PHP5?

a. private $type = 'moderate';
b. var $term =3;
c. public $amnt = '500';
d. protected $name = 'Quantas Private Limited';
Answer: b;

What will be the output of following code?

$arr = "a";
echo $arr;
echo $arr[0];

a. ab
b. $arr is undefined
c. bb
d. Parse error

Answer c

For the following code:

the output will be:

a. 171
b. Expressions can't be used with echo statements
c. 150.7
d. 30 * 5.7
Answer a;

What is the result of the following expression?

5+2 * 4+6

a. 70
b. 19
c. 34
d. 21
Anwer: b

What will be the output of following code?

$var = 1 + "-1.3e3";
echo $var;

a. -1299
b. 1
c. 1-1.3e3
d. Error:cannot add integer and string

An swer: a

What will be the output of following code?

echo "$var1 $a";

a. a b
b. $var1 $a
c. Error: $a is undefined
d. Error: Parse error in line 2 ($$var1 = "b")

Answer a

What is the output of the following code?

$a = 500;
$b = 200;

echo $a % 2
* $b;

a. 100
b. 200
c. 500
d. 0
e. Syntax error

Anwer 0;

What will be the ouput of the following code?

if (-1)
print "true";
print "false";

a. true
b. false

Answer a

What will be the output of the following code?

echo 12 . 6;

a. 12 . 6
b. 126
c. 12.6
d. Error: You cannot add integers through the concatenation operator(.)

Answer: 126

Consider the following sample code:

$x = 0xFFFE;
$y = 2;
$z = $x && $y;

What will be the value of $z?

a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
e. 4

Answer: 1

Adobe Photoshop CS3

Ø Changing units on the Info Palette automatically changes the units on Rulers.


Ø Which of the following Filters cannot be applied to a Smart Object?

Pattern Maker

Ø With which of the given options does the Signal Strength Meter appear?

It appears when you choose 'merge to hdr command'

Ø Channels can not be added to which of the following image modes?


Ø Which among the following Modes does not support layers?

All of the above

Ø Which of the following is not true about Filters?

None of the above

Ø Which of the following is not true about the Curves dialog box?

The Curves dialog box lets you adjust up to 14 different points throughout an image's tonal range

Ø Which of the following Slices is created with the Slice Tool?

User slices

Ø Which of the following features is supported by the EPS file format?

It supports the Grayscale and Bitmap color modes

Ø Which among the following blending modes is available only for the Apply Image and Calculations commands?

Both a and b

Ø What is the use of the Make Work Path command in the Paths palette ?

It can alter the shape of a selection

Ø Which type of information is not displayed by the Info Palette?

It does not display the opacity of the current layer

Ø Which among the following is not a right option for selecting a web-safe color from the Color Palette?

Choose Current Color from the Color Palette Menu

Ø Which keyboard shortcut (windows) will you choose to close a Path?

None of the above

Ø Anti-aliasing option is available for which of the given Tools?

All of the above

Ø Which of the following options displays the Spot Channels in the Channels palette?


Ø What happens when Use Legacy is selected as shown in the given picture?

It is used to apply proportionate (nonlinear) adjustments to image pixels

Ø Which option will you select to open the Levels dialog box?

Choose Image > Adjustments > Levels

Ø Which type of images are resolution-dependent?

Vector images

Ø Which Liquify Tool is used to reconstruct a part of a distorted image?


Ø In which Format will you save your file to preserve the Alpha channels?

All of the above

Ø Which of the following is not a kind of text type?

Line type

Ø Which option will you select to convert Types to Shapes?

Both b and c

Ø The mask created by the Replace Color command is permanent.


Ø Which of the following Layer properties can be animated?

All of the above

Ø Which View will you choose to display a Histogram with no controls or statistics?

All of the above

Ø Which of the given options displays left indent in the Paragraph palette?


Ø Which keyboard shortcut (windows) will you choose to group Layers?

Control + G

Ø The Rotate Canvas command does not work on which of the following

All of the above

Ø Which of the Saving commands is available for an image that is managed by a Version Cue Workspace?

Check In

Ø When will the Dynamic shortcuts appear in the Character Palette Menu as shown in the picture?

All of the above

Ø Hanging Punctuation controls the alignment of the punctuation marks for a specific paragraph.


Ø Which option will you choose to select all layers of a similar type?

All of the above

Ø Which of the following is not a Color Adjustment command?

Adjustment command

Ø By default, Masks applied to Smart objects are linked to Smart object layers. .


Ø A working space is an intermediate color space used to define and edit color in Adobe applications.


Ø Which option will you select to remove the existing profile from the document in the given image?


Ø You cannot change the order of the Vector masks or working paths in the Paths palette.


Ø The Color Replacement Tool does not work in which of the following Image modes?

All of the above

Ø In which of the following Modes can you draw while working with the Shape or Pen tools?

All of the above

Ø The Out Of Gamut option works only on RGB and Lab images


Ø Which among the following QuickTime Video formats is supported by Photoshop extended?


Odesk readiness test

Q: Can I start my own company on oDesk?
A: Yes! oDesk allows you to build and manage a team of workers, colleagues and collaborators. You can even subcontract other workers on oDesk to other customers oDesk (and take a cut).

Q: Which of the following actions are NOT allowed when applying to job openings?
A: All of the above

Q: 'How does feedback work on oDesk?'
A: All of the above

Q: Which of the following is true of your oDesk timelog?
A: All of the above

Q: Which of the following break the oDesk user agreement?
A: All of the above

Q: Which of the following statements about the oDesk Team application are true?
A: All of the above

Q: What do you need to do to ensure guaranteed payment on hourly jobs?
A: All of the above

Q: If you have not done so please download and install the oDesk Team application. With the client running right click on the oDesk Team icon in the system tray (or doc for Mac users). Which of the following options is listed first? Note that you do NOT have to log into any actual Team Room to answer this question.
A: TeamRoom..

Q: Which of the following statements are correct about oDesk fees?
A: All of the above

Q: Buyers set weekly limits on hourly assignments, how do these work?
A: All of the above

Q: How does oDesk's dispute resolution policy for work?
A: All of the above